A bus driver who insisted on “leading” his passengers in prayer “to bless their journey” even after his employers warned him against this practice has been suspended, the City of Cape Town has revealed.
The City said it became aware of the problem after passengers complained on social media.
Bus company TBRT, a MyCiTi vehicle operating company, took action after a complaint was received from a passenger, who took exception to the bus driver leading the passengers in prayer.
The bus driver, who has not been named, was initially told to refrain from the practice as “there are passengers from mixed faiths” on the bus.
The City said the driver, however, disobeyed the instruction and continued praying to “bless” his trips. As a result the driver was subsequently given a written warning on Tuesday but he again ignored the sanction, which led to his suspension on Thursday.
The driver, whose religion has not been mentioned, operates on routes to and from Atlantis.
“It is important for us all to acknowledge the fact that the residents of Cape Town and visitors to our city belong to different faiths, or that some of us may not be religious at all,” said Councillor Brett Herron, Mayoral Committee Member: Transport for Cape Town.
“I therefore want to make an appeal for tolerance and respect for each other and our right to choose which religion to practice, if any, and when and how we do so.”
– African News Agency (ANA)