Nelson Mandela Mandela Municipality has launched the bucket eradication project in Khayamnandi, Despatch.
Speaking at the media launch on Tuesday, Executive Director for Infrastructure and Engineering, Walter Shaidi, said the municipality had budgeted R30 million for the project this year.
He said the Eastern Cape government had contributed R100 million to the Metro's bucket eradication system and that 470 ablutions had been built in Khayamnandi in the past month.
"In total it's about 2892, all these are going to be done this year. Then we are moving to Kwanobhule (470 sites), Wells Estate (350 sites) and Motherwell (350 sites), in total it's not going to be less than 4062 this year, we are going to remove the buckets." said Shaidi.
Deputy Minister for Water and Sanitation, Pamela Tshwete, was also at the launch and said Nelson Mandela Bay was a priority area.
"We had a meeting, myself and the Minister with the provincial structure. We want to do integrated plans now when we do this building of houses and toilets, we do it together because we have learnt from our mistakes before.So we want to change that to do the integrated planning. We said in The Water and Sanitation Department, we want to prioritise Nelson Mandela." said Tshwete.