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Another search operations launched at Voëlklip

Police in the Garden Route say several roleplayers were activated on Tuesday following reports of debris being spotted at the bottom of the notorius Voëlklip cliff in Herolds Bay.

Spokesperson Captain Malcom Pojie says George Disaster Management, EMS and police immediately started with a search in very challenging sea conditions.

He says the search was postponed due to weather conditions and based on the fact that no visible signs of life or the alleged vehicle could be found.

Captain Pojie says again on Wednesday the search had to be called off due to risky weather conditions and the rough terrain.

He says the search will resume at first light on Thursday.

Captain Pojie says locals were busy searching for a missing person when the alleged sighting of debris was made.

He says they are investigating the possibility that the two matters are related but asked the public not to speculate.

Several people have plunged to their deaths over the cliff in the last few years.