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ANC rebels take over Mbashe municipality in Dutywa

 The ANC's provincial executive committee and the Amathole region has ordered those members who took over the Mbashe Council in Dutywa to vacate the executive seats immediately.

ANC provincial secretary, Oscar Mabuyane, says the ANC will show no mercy to any member who creates chaos in municipalities in pursuit of their own self interest.

He says those ANC members who took a vote last Wednesday to oust mayor Nocenbe Mfecane had breached organisational procedures and also violated ANC policies and rules.

Mabuyane, who described the take-over as chaotic, said those involved will face disciplinary action.

The ANC's provincial working committee is meeting today to discuss the situation at Mbashe Municipality which includes Willowvale, Dutywa and Elliotdale.