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Agri SA says no to fracking

Agri SA says it will not be pressing ahead with talks with oil company Shell on a protocol related to shale gas exploration should the current moratorium be lifted.

That's the word from AgriSA president Johannes Möller who was the keynote speaker at the annual congress of Agri Eastern Cape on Thursday.

"The official position at the moment is that we shouldn't press ahead with negotiations with Shell that would lead to an agreement with AgriSA on how a protocol should look in terms of best possible practises should the moratorium (on fracking) be lifted," said Möller.

"At this stage we are not in favour of the lifting of the moratorium or that Shell or any other company should go ahead with exploration and production of shale gas. We need more research into the geo-hydrological situation, especially the dolorite in the Karoo and how that will affect ground water."

"At the moment we have the advantage that we've been awarded the SKA project and they have very stringen requirements in terms of atmospheric pollution. So that 's in the Karoo's favour at least," he added.

The other factor is that the moratorium on shale gas exploration and production is still in place.

"That must be held in place until we are convinced that shale gas can be safely explored and produced," said Möller.