CAPE TOWN, February 16 (ANA) – The abaThembu nation is facing a crisis following the recent incarceration of King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo and has called a special meeting of royal families at the Great Place in Bumbane this weekend.
In a statement issued late on Monday night by family representatives, Nkosi Daludumo Mtirara and Nkosi Bhovulengwe Mtirara, they said: “It’s nearly seven weeks after the King of AbaThembu was incarcerated following the rejection of his appeal case in the Constitutional Court on 2 December 2015.
“The kingdom of AbaThembu has been facing serious challenges which are associated with the vacuum which result from the incarceration of the king.
“Members of the Ngangelizwe royal family supported by other royal houses converged on numerous occasions and discussed the challenges that the kingdom of AbaThembu is currently facing,” the statement said.
“The engagements have reached a stage which requires the notification and participation of the Greater Dlomo descendants. The Ngangelizwe Royal Family invites the members of the Greater Dlomo descendants to a meeting scheduled to take place on 20 February 2016, 10h00, at the Great Place in Bumbane.”
The king is currently serving a serving a 12-year sentence on charges relating to kidnapping, assault, arson and defeating the ends of justice following the exhaustion of all legal avenues open to him.
However, last month, the South African Presidency confirmed that it had received a request from the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA) to grant a presidential pardon to Dalindyebo.
President Jacob Zuma indicated that the petition had been sent to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services for further processing and that upon completion of all internal processes, the Minister would submit the King’s application for pardon to the president for a decision.
– African News Agency (ANA)