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Facebook responds to most talked-about documentary of the year

Movie poster for "The Social Dilemma"

The social media network Facebook has responded to one of the most talked-about documentaries of the year, The Social Dilemma.

The Netflix original documentary from Jeff Orlowski examines the fact that addiction and privacy breaches on social media platforms are features and not glitches in the design.

The film explores the rise of social media and the damage it has caused to society, focusing on its exploitation of its users for financial gain.

Facebook says in a lengthy statement that we should have conversations about the impact of social media in our lives but branded the documentary as nothing but sensationalism.

"The film’s creators do not include insights from those currently working at the companies or any experts that take a different view of the narrative put forward by the film. They also don’t acknowledge—critically or otherwise—the efforts already taken by companies to address many of the issues they raise. Instead, they rely on commentary from those who haven’t been on the inside for many years," Facebook said.

The filmmakers interviewed the former design ethicist for Google, the co-founder and creator for the "Like" button on Facebook, and the former president of Pinterest, to name a few.

Facebook responded to the documentary by highlighting four main points which they then elaborated on.

1. ADDICTION Facebook builds its products to create value, not to be addictive.

2. YOU ARE NOT THE PRODUCT Facebook is funded by advertising so that it remains free for people.

3. ALGORITHMS Facebook’s algorithm is not ‘mad.’ It keeps the platform relevant and useful

4. DATA Facebook has made improvements across the company to protect people’s privacy.

Read the full statement from Facebook HERE