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Zodwa WaBuntu faces the wrath of the gay community

Hardly a day after her barely- there outfit at the Durban July caused a major stir on social media, reality star Zodwa WaBuntu is in hot water over remarks she made about gays on her reality show.

During  ‘Zodwa Wabantu Uncensored’ which was broadcast on Moja Love on Saturday, July 6, she is heard saying that gay people are "troublesome".

Not long after social media was ablaze with irate folk expressing their outrage over what they felt were homophobic comments. One viewer has gone so far as to lodge a complaint with the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA).

The petition on change.org reads as follows :

Zodwa WaBantu's reality show which broadcasts on DSTV Channel 157 #ZodwaUncensored has revealed that Zodwa WaBantu is homophobic and transphobic through her ignorant comments she made on last week's episode stating that gay men should not behave like women because they do not have vaginas but women do and she also stated that gay people are being done a favour to even be allowed to exist as the same spaces. These comments are homophobic and transphobic therefore something has to be done. Zodwa WaBantu's show is on a live broadcast show which means these comments went through several producers or stages before it was decided that it will be broadcast without any person picking up that these comments were homophobic therefore pose a threat to the the members of the LGBT+ at large.

This is how it appears on Moosa Kaula’s Twitter feed, inviting others to join the movement :