Taking down perpetrators is all in a day’s work for the police force’s intrepid K9 team, and they often assist their ‘humans’ in the apprehension of criminals whose victims are unfortunately children.
Part one done – the perpetrator handcuffed and taken away – part two is an extremely difficult part for young victims - the court appearance to tell their story.
This is where another set of canine heroes step in – the four legged furries of the Court Preparation Programme - trained dogs that assist children in preparing to face their fears about testifying against their alleged perpetrators.
The initiative uses the calming and naturally distressing nature of dogs to ease the pain traumatised and abused children feel when they are asked to give evidence in court.
This incredible initiative is the result of the joint efforts of the Teddy Bear Foundation and the Top Dog organisation.
Top Dogs uses their therapy dogs to teach the children about the court officials in a non-threatening and light-hearted way, while at the same time, the innate ability of dogs to assist in the healing process, is brought into play. The unconditional and non-judgemental love of the dogs towards the children has proven to assist them in the telling of their story, and in learning to trust again.
Prior to the actual court date, the dogs are involved in a mock session with the children. Dressed in typical court room garb there is the four legged state prosecutor, the four legged defence attorney, and the four legged court orderly.
The children are then given a therapy dog to hold onto as they go through the motions of a mock session – the calming and comforting presence of their canine buddy helping them to relax and just feel better!
However, on the actual day, in the real court, the dogs will not be present.
This is where the The Teddy Bear Foundation steps in and gives every child a crocheted or knitted pup that accompanies them into the court room.
This reminder of the comfort and ease they felt when practicing with the real pups, helps the children to face their fears of testifying and thus helps to bring their abusers to justice.
It’s a heart-warming ‘tail’!
Read more about the incredible work that goes into the Court Preparation Programme: ME