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Simon Cowell donates vast amount to shut down South Korean dog meat farm

X factor boss, Simon Cowell, has become something of a superhero to dog lovers the world over after generously donating 25 thousand pounds, or in our currency R461 295,88, to an animal protection charity to assist in the shutting down of a dog meat farm in South Korea.

Thanks to Simon’s donation the Humane Society International will be able to rescue more than 200 dogs and puppies that have been bred for human consumption in the most despicable of conditions.

As the society said on their twitter page, it will be the 13th dog meat farm they will have assisted in closing down.

Cowell has been a long time supporter of the organisation’s #EndDogMeat drive. Two years ago he was one of the biggest celebrity campaigners to join in a call to have the dog meat festival in Yulin, China, banned, describing it as ‘sickeningly cruel’.

Together with the Change for Animals Foundation, the Jane Goodall Institute, Four Paws, and Animals Asia, HSI is one of over 80 charities calling for stronger action to be taken against the very real threat of rabies posed by this barbaric industry.

The HSI  says that while dog meat consumption is on the decline in South Korea, there are still thousands of these factory farms where millions of sentient creatures are kept in small metal cages and then subjected to a heinous and cruel death, either by electrocution or hanging.

One of the most admirable ways in which HSI works is that they assist dog meat farmers who want to leave the industry by helping them to find alternative sources of income.

Sources: Sky news/ The Sun