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John Legend debuts emotional song at immigration protest rally

This past Saturday John Legend used his talent to make a stand at a rally being held in protest against Donald Trump’s immigration policy by debuting his emotional new song "Preach". The "Families Belong Together" rally was held in Los Angeles and was just one of many that was held across America on Saturday.

He warned the crowd of thousands there to "resist the temptation to just disengage" from the fight to protect immigrants. Urging the crowd to do something he introduced his song by saying ,"We wrote this song that feels right for this moment, Preach, which is actually about doing more than just preaching. So much of the news is shocking and maddening and depressing. I think some of us have a strong temptation to just disengage. But we can't. I can't do that." 

Before sitting down at the piano he was introduced by his wife Chrissy Teigen who herself addressed the crowd with an impassioned speech while holding their son Miles in her arms.

MSNBC were there to cover the event and this is the video they shared online of John Legend's passionate performance.


Sources : MSNBC/Huffpost