Superstar Gwyneth Paltrow is being sued after an alleged crash at a Utah ski resort. Terry Sanderson, a 72-year-old retired doctor, is accusing her of seriously injuring him by skiing into him on the 26th February 2016, according to a lawsuit filed in the Utah state court.
Mr Sanderson is seeking over R42m in damages, but says he is not motivated by Paltrow's fame, he just wants to be vindicated for his suffering.
He apparently suffered a concussion and four broken ribs after Paltrow went into him from behind. According to his statement, she was skiing out of control and went into him and then had not even stopped to see if he was alright or to apologise.
The Deer Valley Resort in Park City is also being sued as Mr Sanderson alleges that the instructor who was at the scene at the time filed a false report saying that Paltrow was not at fault in the collision. His case is based on the memory of Craig Ramon, a friend who was skiing with him when the accident happened.
A spokeswoman for the Paltrow camp said that the case was without merit