The Grey High School and Junior School boys brought out the rugby world cup "gees" with a video containing heartfelt messages for the Springbok captain Siya Kolisi and the team.
Yesterday, the high school placed the video on its Facebook page with the following status:
"Grey Junior and Grey High School boys and Old Greys sent best wishes to Old Grey Siya Kolisi and the Springbok team ahead of the Rugby World Cup Final."
The Old Grey scholars included, Sharks players, Jeremy Ward and Curwin Bosch, Cheetahs player, Junior Pokomela.
The video opens with the junior and high school boys telling Siya what an inspiration he is to them and how honoured they are to be walking the same hallways as he did years before.
Finally the video closes with the Rector of Grey High School, Chris Erasmus.
If you would like to find out what Chris and the boys had to say, click on the link below:
Good Luck For the World Cup Final Siya and Springboks