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Cardi B, Mandy Moore and LeBron James join a growing list of celebrities expressing their outrage at the death of George Floyd

Cardi B

Cardi B, Mandy Moore and basketball player LeBron James have expressed their disgust over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week Monday. They join a growing list of celebrities expressing their utter dismay and outrage at his senseless and untimely death.

George Floyd died after white Officer Derek Chauvin was caught on camera kneeling on his neck for at least eight minutes, having handcuffed him and pinned him to the ground while arresting him for allegedly using a fake $20 note in a shop. The 46-year-old black man can be heard in widely-circulated phone footage saying he could not breathe before paramedics are seen lifting him on to a stretcher and into an ambulance - he was later pronounced dead in hospital.

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STILL!!!! ????????????

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Cardi B took to Instagram saying.” Enough is enough! What will it take ? A civil war ? A new president? Violent riots? It’s tired ! I’m tired ! The country is tired !You don’t put fear in people when you do this you just show how coward YOU ARE ! And how America is really not the land of the free !”

She also asked her followers to sign a petition being widely circulated on change.org

Mandy Moore, star of the recent Netflix series This is Us took also to social media to express her anger saying that the video was “abhorrent.”

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George Floyd was killed at the hands of 4 officers in Minneapolis on Monday. The video is abhorrent. He should be alive. Getting killed by the police is the 6th leading cause of death of young black men in this country. White friends: We can’t let our discomfort, ego, or belief that this work doesn’t include us, prevent us from acknowledging our privilege and that we have the burden of dismantling white supremacy. We do. We can not be complacent. We can not be silent. We need to have this conversation with our families and friend and coworkers. Let’s turn outrage into action. It starts with texting FLOYD to 55156 to demand that the officers who murdered George Floyd are arrested and charged. The link in my bio was compiled by @sarahsophief and has tangible things we can all do to educate ourselves (articles, films, who to follow on social media, organizations that need our funding, etc...) and disrupt the system from which we benefit. #georgefloyd

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Kim Kardashian West also vented her outrage.

Filmmaker Ava DuVernay posted a beautiful tribute saying,” You deserve our tears, our prayers, our rage, our action. We must act - for you - and for all of those where no cameras are present. We must."

In the wake of Floyd's senseless death protests have broken out in Minneapolis and other cities across the US – the hashtag justiceforgeorge is gaining momentum with every passing second – join the movement, click on the link below to sign the petition - as DuVernay says  - "We must act".
