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Bobby Van Jaarsveld in hospital for battery of tests

Bobby Van Jaarsveld

Bobby Van Jaarsveld has shared with his followers on Instagram the news that he is undergoing a battery of medical tests. Posting some scary looking photographs of himself attached to all kinds of medical paraphernalia one post said,” Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse . I look like a freakin blow-up fish and a terrorist combo ... Ek wil huistoe gaan
BAIE DANKIE vir almal se boodskappe . Ek lees alles en waardeer elkeen  #hospital #tests

His most recent Instagram post did however disclose that he suffers from sleep apnea. He also said that while he was aware that some of his fans were upset that he was not disclosing what was wrong with him, he explained that he did not know himself and was awaiting the test results. In the meantime, he thanked his fans and fellow musos for their support saying that he missed his wife and family.

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Hi Almal ! Hoop dit gaan goed by elkeen van julle. Baie dankie vir almal se boodskappe ek waardeer dit ongelooflik baie en ek lees ALLES . Kan nie alles antw nie so daarom skryf ek gou die .... ek sien daar is ñ paar mense wat ongelukkig is omdat ek nie sê presies wat aangaan nie maar om die waarheid te sê weet ek self ook nog nie presies nie. Die toetse sal eers later uitkom... so ons doen ñ hele paar toetse waaronder my suur vlakke in my liggaam na gekyk word ( ek het al 3 mantelvliesbreuk operasies gehad ) en my stembande ondersoek word ( ek het al 4 stem operasies gehad ) en dan ondersoek hulle my breingolwe asook Slaap Apnea omdat ek so 20 keer per uur ophou asemhaal as ek slaap vir partykeer solank as 40 sekondes. Dis amper 160 keer per nag wat ek ophou asemhaal. Baie weird ek weet..... ek hoop ek word vandag ontslaan maar andersins môre. Ek mis my vrou en kinders ongelooflik baie. Weereens Dankie vir almal boodskappe. Ek sal fine wees ??

A post shared by Bobby Van Jaarsveld (@bobbyvanjaarsveld) on

Get better soon Bobby!