Yesterday, Tuesday 8 November, saw the word “cheesecake’ top Twitter trends as celebrity Sonia Booth became the hottest topic on the social media platform after exposing her former soccer star husband Matthew Booth’s alleged infidelity on Instagram.
It all started in Monday 7 November when Sonia began to reveal details of the alleged affair in a series of Instagram posts. Cheesecake and Tupperware became important details in one particular incident after Matthew baked a cheesecake for his ‘mistress’.
Sonia wrote on Instagram, “ 2 weeks ago I noticed cheesecake ingredients in the fridge and the boys got excited. On the 3rd of Nov (the eve of Nate's bday) @matthewboothza night, I was fast asleep already. In the morning we all got excited salivating over the cheesecake thinking it was for Nate's bday”.
“Imagine our shock and surprise when it disappeared from our fridge, the entire cake, not even a taste nor 3 slices nyana for me, N & N. We laughed and felt sorry for ourselves”.
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It turns out the cake was taken to Bongani Moller’s home, the woman Matthew is said to be cheating on her with.
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Upon learning where the cheesecake had ended up, Sonia took to Instagram again stating that she would have let this one slide until she realized that her cake carrier was at the other woman’s house: “ You don’t mess with a Township girl and her Tupperware”.
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Upon retrieving her Tupperware, this is what Sonia did with it....
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And that is why cheesecake and Tupperware are trending on Twitter.