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Zondo to bring criminal charges aginst former SAA board chairperson


The State Capture Commission will be laying criminal charges against former SAA board chairperson, Dudu Myeni.

The Deputy Chief Justice, Raymond Zondo, said on Friday that he had instructed the secretary of the commission to lay a charge against for disclosing the identity of a protected witness during her evidence.

At the time, Judge Zondo lambasted Myeni for this breach after an earlier order that the identity of the witness is protected.

He said at the start of proceedings on Friday that he had examined Myeni's affidavit explaining her conduct but was not convinced and subsequently instructed the Commission's legal team to lay the criminal complaint for contravening either Sections 5 of the Commissions Act or Regulation 9.

During her recent testimony before the Commission, Myeni frequently invoked the privilege to not incriminate herself during questioning by the Commission's evidence leader.