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Workers arrested for allegedly burgling farmer's house

Two farmworkers from Bultfontein in the Free State are expected to appear in the local Magistrates Court on Monday for allegedly breaking into their employer's house while he was on holiday.

Police Spokesperson Captain Stephen Thakeng says on the 21st of July, the 30-year-old farmer reported a burglary at his house, upon returning from a vacation.

He says the keys to his house were kept in a certain place for safekeeping and were taken.

The robbers stole the farmer's firearm and ammunition as well as clothes, cellphones and liquor.

Thakeng says their investigation led them to the two suspects, aged 26 and 30, who were employed on the farm.

He says the stolen goods, including the gun, were found in their possession.

The value of the stolen goods is estimated to be R26 300.