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Western Cape launches campaign to promote effective policing

The Western Cape Department of Community Safety has launched a campaign to reward good policing and to shame the bad apples.

The province's Reward A Cop - Report A Cop campaign was lauched in conjunction with the Institute for Security Studies.

Western Cape Community Safety spokesperson, Greg Wagner, says the campaign aims to promote effective policing while also stamping out police misconduct and corruption.

"When reporting police misconduct, please remember to report the incident and give all relevant info, as soon as possible. Take note of police names, ranks and vehicle registration numbers. By reporting bad police you are supporting those who take their jobs seriously and want to help their communities," he said,.

"An effective Police Service is an essential part of any functioning democracy."

Wagner says a hotline number, SMS line and twitter address have been created so that members of the public can report good police work or misconduct.

"SMS the word 'reward' or 'report' to our sms line 35395, calling our 24/7 hotline, 021 483 4332, emailing policingcomplaints@pgwc.gov.za or tweeting to @RewardaCop."