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Unions gear up for wage battle with government


Trade unions are gearing up for a fight with government over a decision to reverse agreed-upon wage increases due to budgetary constraints.

The South African Federation of Trade Union is the latest to signal its intention to take on the state on the issue.

Saftu said on Saturday that its affiliated unions have “formally served” papers following government’s failure to implement “the latter part of the three-year wage agreement concluded in June 2018”.

Saftu said papers were filed in the labour court which has been closed during the hard lockdown period.

“The multi-term agreement, Resolution 1/2018, concluded and signed by all parties in the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) defines salary adjustments and improvements to conditions of service for public servants, for the financial-years 2018\19, 2019\20 and 2020\21.”

“Clause 3.3 of the Resolution deals with the salary adjustments, percentages and the projected CPI in relation to the 2020\21 financial year,” Saftu said.

The Public Servants Association had meanwhile also lodged a dispute in the Labour Court over the same issue.

In a statement on Friday, the PSA said that the Department of Public Service and Administration was bound by an agreement regulating salary adjustments and improvements on the conditions of service in the public service.