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Two suspected rhino poachers shot and killed in KNP

Two suspected rhino poachers were shot and killed and another one was arrested in two separate incidents in the Kruger National Park this week.

The Park says in the first incident on Thursday, Pretoriuskop Rangers conducting follow-up operations during the early morning made contact with a group of three suspected poachers.

It says during the contact, one suspect was arrested but the other two managed to escape.

In the second incident on the same day, Pretoriuskop Rangers conducting anti-poaching operations made contact with another group of three suspected poachers just before midnight.

Two of the suspects were fatally wounded and the third managed to escape under the cover of darkness.

A loaded heavy calibre firearm, ammunition and poaching equipment were recovered at the scene.

Follow-up investigations relating to both incidents are currently underway.

- African News Agency