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South Africans too lax about internet security

A top management training company has warned that South Africans are too lax about internet security.

AstroTech Training CEO Liza van Wyk says cybercrime is soaring with 556-million victims world wide this year.

She says the latest South Africa Cyber Threat Barometer report has found that denial of service, economic fraud, and the theft of confidential information are high concerns - especially with internet banking, e-commerce, and social media sites.

The most common attack methods are still phishing, the abuse of system privileges and malicious code infections.

Van Wyk said, "South Africans, and their banks, are used to old-style Nigerian phishing scams. Those were followed, or
accompanied, by criminal syndicates especially from Central European countries like Romania, targeting financial information, mostly from big organizations."

The last two years at least saw highly sophisticated cyber-attacks coming from China that disabled,or stole information from governments, business organizations, and key individuals in developed world countries like the United States
and major European nations, as well as large commercial firms in the developing world including South Africa.