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"Sin taxes" up again

Smokers and drinkers will have to cough up more for their vices, according to the 2013/2014 budget.

Beer drinkers will pay seven cents more for a 340ml can.

A bottle of wine will cost 15 cents more, while the price of ciders and alcoholic fruit beverages is set to rise seven cents a litre.

A 750ml bottle of spirits will cost R3.60 more from April 1.

Those who prefer traditional African beer will, however, not be digging deeper into their pockets.

Motorists will feel the pinch again this year, paying a total of 23 cents a litre more for petrol from April 3.

The general fuel levy will go up by 15 cents a litre, with an additional eight cents a litre going to the Road Accident Fund.

For the first time in four years, shoppers are going to have to pay more for plastic bags.

The levy on plastic shopping bags goes up from four cents to six cents this year.

The environmental levy on incandescent light bulbs will also go up a rand, to four rand a bulb.
