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S&P Global changes SA's outlook from stable to negative

The government says it fully recognises rating agency, S&P Global’s assessment of the problems and opportunities facing South Africa, and remains committed to placing public finances on a sustainable path while aiming for inclusive economic growth.

National Treasury said on Saturday it had noted S&P Global’s decision to affirm South Africa’s long-term foreign currency debt rating at "BB" and local currency debt rating at "BB+", as well as revise the outlook to negative from stable.

"South Africa’s foreign and local credit ratings by S&P Global remain below investment grade. According to S&P, the outlook revision indicates that the country's debt metrics are rapidly worsening as a result of the very low GDP growth and high fiscal deficits," the National Treasury said in a statement.

The agency stated that unless government took measures to control the fiscal deficit and fast-track the implementation of reforms, debt was unlikely to stabilise within S&P Global’s three-year forecast period.

- African News Agency