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Rhino poaching figures show downward trend


The number of rhinos poached in the first six months of 2024 showed a slight year-on-year decline, with 229 rhinos poached in 2024 compared to 231 for the same reporting period in 2023.

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment said of the rhinos poached, 191 were killed on state properties, and 38 on privately owned parks, reserves and farms.

It said a significant drop was noted during May and June this year with national losses reported at 21 and 22 respectively when a year ago those figures were 42 and 34 for May and June 2023.

“This reduced loss is thought to be attributable to the dehorning of rhino populations in KwaZulu-Natal and specifically in Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park where over 1 000 rhinos have been dehorned since April 2024,” said Minister Dr Dion George.

Kruger National Park (KNP) lost 45 rhinos to poaching from January to June 2024 compared to 42 during the same reporting period in 2023.

George said KNP continues to implement its Rhino Conservation Plan which amongst others, focuses on guarding and protecting rhinos in the core rhino areas, the use of appropriate technologies, dehorning of rhino and implementing innovative biological management in these areas.

He said the rhino population numbers at the end of 2023 were 16,056 rhinos comprising 2,065 black and 13,991 white rhinos.

These figures compare with figures estimated for the end of 2021 when there were 2,056 black and 12,968 white rhinos in the country.

Minister George also said that during the reporting period, over 60 suspects were arrested, and 20 heavy calibre firearms recovered in relation to rhino poaching and rhino horn trafficking.