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Probe into NSFAS confirmed

The Department of Higher Education has announced a forensic probe into claims of fraud and corruption with the National Student Financial Aid Scheme.

Department spokesperson, Khaye Nkwanyana, told Algoa FM News that the probe will get underway at the end of January.

He says allegations emerged from Eastern Cape tertiary institutions of collusion between students who were not necessarily qualifying candidates for financial aid and some officials at universities in the province.

Nkwnayana says this alleged fraud had the effect of reducing the cake for poor and disabled students.

"The information that was brought to us came mainly from the Eastern Cape. That's what prompted the Department to (conduct) a forensic investigation into the entire system across the country," he said.

Meanwhile, Higher Education Minister, Blade Nzimande, announced on Monday increased funding to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme to cater for poor and disabled students.

Nkwnayana says the Scheme will be funding 205 000 first-time students as well as other eligible students at universities.

He says the Student Financial Aid Scheme will also be assisting 200 000 disabled and needy students at technical and vocational education and training colleges this year.

Nkwanyana, the government scheme will provide loans and bursaries totaling R9.5bn.