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Parliament back in the spotlight

The head of the Parliamentary Protection Services, Zelda Holtzman, and her deputy Motlatsi Mokgatla have been placed on precautionary suspension on full pay.

Parliamentary spokesperson, Estelle Randall said they were suspended with immediate effect to allow an investigation into alleged security breaches in Parliament to be conducted in an environment free of any perception of possible bias”.

She said the investigation should be completed by the end of August.

Meanwhile, a new rule, governing the conduct of Members of Parliament, has been overwhelmingly adopted in parliament.

The vote followed a debate on the report by the Rules Committee following the recent spate of disruptions in the house.

Parliament's deputy speaker, Lechesa Tsenodi announced the results as follows:

Yes: 307
Abstained: 0

Under Rule 53-A those who disrupt parliamentary proceedings can be physically removed and suspended.

It also states that no MP may interfere with the removal of any Member.

Earlier, while members were putting forward motions without notices, sparks flew when an ANC member alleged that EFF SRC members at Vaal University of Technology were taking bribes in return for tenders. 

The EFF's Hlengiwe Maxon did not take kindly to the remarks.