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Money and shots fly at deadly stokvel gathering

A Limpopo Police Officer is being praised for his bravery after he single-handedly foiled a robbery in progress of stokvel members on Thursday.

It is alleged that the stokvel members were inside a house in Majosi Village, sharing their year-long savings, when four suspects broke into the house through a window.

The suspects allegedly pointed a firearm at the members and demanded the money.

Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo said one of the occupants of the house managed to alert a person who was coincidentally at the local police station at the time.

The said person notified the Warrant Officer and they both rushed to the scene.

"The suspects allegedly started shooting at the police member on their arrival at the scene and he retaliated, instantly killing one of the alleged robbers," said Mojapelo.

With the bank notes flying and scattering around the scene, one of the suspects was shot and injured during the process and was hastily carried away by the other suspects who loaded him into a vehicle which sped off.

A pistol was reportedly recovered from the deceased suspect.

No other injuries were sustained during the incident.

Limpopo Provincial Commissioner Lieutenant-General Nneke Ledwaba has commended the Warrant Officer for his bravery.

He has also urged stokvel members to make use of means provided by banks in sharing their savings.

A case of house robbery and an inquest have been opened. Police are continuing with the investigation.

Meanwhile, police in Port Elizabeth issued the same warning to stokvel "clubs" to extra vigilant.

Spokesperson Captain Andre Beetge said their warning have fallen on deaf ears.