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Life in jail for man who abused his mentally ill step-daughter

The lobby group Women & Men Against Child Abuse says its extremely satisfied with the sentence handed down to 60-year-old rapist, Johannes Oelofse.

He was sentenced in the Johannesburg High Court on Thursday to life imprisonment as well as additional terms for the repeated rape of his 24-year-old mentally challenged stepdaughter over a number of years.  

Oelofse was convicted in May in the Palm Ridge Court in Gauteng on a string of charges that included rape, sexual assault and sexually grooming a mentally disabled person.

WMACA's Ngaa Murombedzi says the sentence fits the severity of the crime.

"Like the judge said, taking into consideration the cognitive age of 6-years-old she will always experience this trauma at that level. She doesn't have that luxury of growing into an adult and dealing with trauma from the ability of an adult," she said.

Murombedzi said that the sentence would send a strong message to perpetrators of sexual violence against the vulnerable.