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Less than 10% of overdue e-toll fees paid

Transport Minister Dipuo Peters says Gauteng motorists have run up more than half a billion rand in overdue fees since the province's e-tolling system started on the 3rd of

She says less than 10% of this amount has been paid.

In a written reply to a parliamentary question Peters said that as of the 1st of March this year, R543 million worth of invoices had been transferred to the VPC - or
Violations Processing Centre - the debt-collection division within the SA National Roads Agency.

Contacted for comment on Wednesday, Sanral spokesperson Vusi Mona said the R543.5 million included both those motorists with e-tags who had overdue accounts, as well as those who had not registered but were picked up by the tolling system.

Peters also revealed that "an amount of R54.7 million rand excluding vat had been expended in the collection of the e'tolling debt.

This figure included R32.8m "for postage and printing of invoices" and a further R21.9m for "the cost of debt collection processes".