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Labour Minister announces bus strike is over

Labour Minister, Mildred Oliphant, has announced that the bus strike has ended.

She reportedly told a briefing Friday that the majority of unions reached an agreement with employers thus ending the wage strike which began on Wednesday.

Minister Oliphant said three of the five unions involved in the dispute, including the SA Transport and Allied Workers Union, plus two others,  had signed a deal with employers.

Metal workers union, Numsa, which broke away from Cosatu, had not signed any wage deal as yet.  Spokesperson, Phakamile Hlubi, said on Saturday that they will only conclude deals in the Bargaining Council.

Satawu has yet to formally comment.

Minster Oliphant, according to News 24, said that Numsa still had to reach an agreement but she said this did not prevent the strike from being called off in terms of the Constitution of the Bargaining Council.

The rule said that a strike can be called off if the majority of unions in the Bargaining Council reach an agreement.

Earlier on Saturday, Translux and City-to-City bus services said that an agreement had been reached “on the shop-floor” for an 8.5% across the board wage increase.