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Khoi leaders cover more than 150km Saturday on long walk to Bhisho

A group of Khoi descendents, including ANC MPL, Christian Martin, have covered more than 150 kilometres of their walk from Port Elizabeth to the Provincial capital Bhisho.

The group of 20 Khoisan leaders wants to deliver a message to the government that they no longer want to be known as Coloureds, but rather as Khoi

They said earlier that a million signatures have already been collected from people who want the term “coloured” scrapped from the South African lexicon.

Martin said that they aim to reach Bhisho on Monday.

He said the word Coloured was a derogatory term and a legacy of the apartheid era's racial classification of people in the 1950's.

Martin said statutory references to Coloureds should be "corrected".  He said the Equity Act also refers to Black, Coloured and Indian but there's no mention of the Khoi people.

"We say these things are man made things and we are saying lets correct the past.  What's important of this walk of ours is that we do not (want to) enforce Khoiness on any person," he said.

Martin said "we are not here to fight with anybody but just correcting what went wrong in the past".

(Marting resting weary legs and blistered feet)