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Historic Valentines wedding celebrations cancelled at Robben Island

The 19 couples who got married on the Island in 2020

Robben Island Facebook Page

The Robben Island Museum in Cape Town has cancelled the historic Valentines Day wedding celebrations for 2021.

This year would have marked 21-years of celebrating love on the Island.

The decision was made following a recent announcement by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), on the temporary suspension of applications for IDs, passports and marriage certificates.

The decision was made, due to the increasing number of staff, testing positive for COVID-19.

Last year, 19 couples tied the knot with a historic milestone of Mr Frankford Williams and Cindi Mullins, who are visually impaired, officially being the first couple in South Africa to receive their marriage certificate in braille.

To date, 327 couples have tied the knot on Robben Island.

The weddings were first initiated by the late Ms Martha Mgxashe, former Regional Director at the DHA.

The first wedding took place on 31 December 2000, as part of the Millennium Celebrations.

The following year the date moved to Valentines Day.

A spokesperson for Robben Island says, they will continue engaging authorities to host weddings at a later stage, if Coivd-19 regulations ease.