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Griekwastad murders: GUILTY

 The 17-year-old boy accused of the Griekwastad triple farm murders has been found guilty on all five charges in the Northern Cape High Court.

Forty four year-old Northern Cape farmer Deon Steenkamp, his 43 year-old wife Christelle and 14 year-old daughter Marthella were shot dead on their farm
Naauwhoek, near Griekwastad, on the 6th of April 2012.

The teenager was also found guilty on a charge of raping Marthella and defeating the ends of justice.

Delivering his judgement, Northern Cape Judge President Frans Kgomo found that there was no unknown attacker on the farm the night of the murders.

After the boy was pronounced guilty, the State immediately asked that bail be revoked and a new bail application brought pending sentencing.