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Gerry Nel continues grilling of key Oscar Pistorius defence witness

Sports professor - Elton Derman has admitted that he cannot say for certain whether Oscar Pistorius can run on his stumps without holding onto a wall for support.

The discussion comes amid heated speculation about the Paralympian's mobility after leaked footage showed Pistorius apparently demonstrating how he made his way down the passage on his stumps.

Derman was under cross-examination in the North Gauteng High Court on Monday in the Blade Runner's murder trial.

State Prosecutor Gerrie Nel has not referred to the leaked video, but has challenged Derman's claim last week that Pistorius need to have his hands on the wall to move quickly through the passage:

Nel: "At least we have this concession, I don't know if he is able to run without having his hand against the wall, am I right?"

Derman:"I cannot be sure my lady."

Nel:"Then the answer is,yes I don't know, why is the answer I cannot be sure?"

Derman: "Because that's how I answered it my lady."

Nel: The question is, you don't know if he is able to run without having his hand against the wall, the answer must be, yes I dont know, can we have that answer?"

Derman: "Yes I do not know."

Nel: "Ok."

Shortly after lunch the case was adjourned until Tuesday.