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Free State man accused of distribution of child pornography granted bail

A 39-year-old man was granted bail in the Ficksburg Magistrate’s Court in the Free State after he was charged with possession and distribution of child pornography, police said on Friday.

Police spokesperson Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo said authorities in Germany found out about an online child pornography distributor in South Africa.

“His alleged activities surfaced after police in Germany became aware of an online child pornography distribution network called eDonkey 2000. It allows users to share files,” said Naidoo.

“It was during investigations that the detectives identified a user who offered child pornography content for downloading. Further investigations led them to IP addresses in South Africa, where the suspect was eventually identified and arrested by the South African Police Service yesterday [Thursday].”

The man was granted R10,000 bail on Thursday.

Police confiscated two desktop computers, two USBs, hard drives, a camera, wi-fi routers and an XBOX at his home in Ficksburg.

The case was postponed to June for further investigation, said Naidoo.

– African News Agency (ANA)