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FF+ welcomes ANC decision to not nationalise land

The Freedom Front Plus says it welcomes a decision by the ANC not to nationalise land or amend section 25 of the constitution which relates to the expropriation of land with compensation.

The party was reacting to decisions taken by commissions at the ANC's policy conference.

Freedom Front Plus spokesperson, Pieter Groenewald, says the ANC will in future have to act strongly against members, especially the ANC Youth League, who make comments stating the opposite.

He says irresponsible comments about nationalisation do not only harm agriculture, but the whole economy of South Africa.

"Although section 25 of the constitution provides for the expropriation of land with compensation the government should rather first intervene in the failed land reform projects, if government does not intervene in the failed projects valuable agricultural land which has to gaurantee food security will be lost forever" Groenewald said.