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Empasse over in farm labourers dispute

 Acting Labour Minister Angie Motshekga says Western Cape farmworkers will suspend their protests over wages and living conditions for two weeks.

She said Cosatu had consulted workers and it was agreed they would return to work on Thursday and desist from violence and vandalism.

The suspension was on condition that the sectoral determination for agriculture be looked at by the Employment Condition Commission next Wednesday.

This meant the R70 a day minimum wage for farmworkers would be cancelled and renegotiated.

Grape harvesters in the Hex River Valley have been protesting for more than a week about their wages, demanding R150 a day.

Sixteen towns in the province have been affected by the protest action, including blocked roads and burning tyres.

The labour department expressed condolences to the family of a farmworker killed in Wolseley on wednesday morning and called for an end to violence by workers and victimisation by farmers.