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Dros rapist allegedly offered the restaurant manager drugs, court hears

The North Gauteng High Court heard that Nicholas Ninow, accused of raping a seven-year-old girl at the Dros restaurant restrooms, was drinking heavily and had even offered the manager of the eating establishment drugs on the day of the incident.

A man who Ninow had introduced to the waitress as his uncle was called to the witness stand on Monday.

While on the stand, Johan Fourie denied knowing Ninow and said they met each other in the parking lot of the restaurant for the first time.  

Fourie said Ninow told him he was a millionaire and both his parents had died.

It was also heard that Ninow kept buying beer and tequila and allegedly offered the restaurant manager drugs.

"I told the manager that this guy is on drugs and he said 'no, leave him let’s just see what happens'."

He explained that Ninow had briefly excused himself when he suddenly heard a commotion coming from the restrooms.

"I heard people screaming, women screaming. I went to see what was happening and I saw him naked in the toilet, covered with blood on his right-hand-side from his ear," Fourie explained.

Fourie said he didn't speak to Ninow, he instead turned around and called the police.

Earlier, Ninow pleaded guilty to raping the girl, possession of drugs and defeating the ends of justice, but not to the assault charges.

The State, however, is not satisfied with Ninow's plea explanation.

Spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Phindi Mjonondwane says it differs from the version given by the complainant during the first consultation with the State.

The restaurant's employee, who was serving Ninow on the day, testified that Ninow was drinking excessively and moved around tables.

The State was trying to establish just how close Ninow was to the restaurant's children's corner.  

The trial was adjourned to Tuesday.

-African News Agency