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KayCee Rossouw

Double life sentence for Johannes Kana

Convicted rapist and murderer Johannes Kana was handed two life sentences by the Swellendam Circuit Court on Friday.
The State had requested two life terms for the rape and murder of Anene Booysen in Bredasdorp earlier this year.

Booysen was raped and disembowelled and died in Tygerberg Hospital on the afternoon of Saturday, 2 February.
She named Kana as one of her attackers shortly before she passed away.

Kana' sentence has been widely welcomed with Judge Patricia Goliath telling the accused before locking him behind bars for good - that violence against women will not be tolerated.

Western Cape NPA spokesman Eric Ntabazalila said the sentences would hopefully send the message that courts would not tolerate
crimes against women and children.

He was happy that Judge Patricia Goliath had agreed with the recommendation for two life sentences, to be served concurrently.

"We know this sentence will not bring Anene Booysen back or lessen the pain she went through that morning of February 2 and the
pain her family is going through," Ntabazalila said.

"We hope they will find solace knowing that the person who raped and murdered their daughter will spend time in prison and pay for
what he did."