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DA claims Gigaba contravened Citizenship Act

The DA claims that Minister Malusi Gigaba had contravened the CitizenshipAct by not declaring the naturalisation of members of the Gupta family.

DA MP, Haniff Hoosen, said Friday that according to a lettersent by the Director-General to the Home Affairs Portfolio Committee on Friday,it was an omission” to not openly declare to Parliament that members of theGupta family had been naturalised.

Hoosen said that Gigaba, then Minister of Home Affairs, had personallygranted Gupta family members citizenship in South Africa, “overriding officialsand the Director General, and then failed to follow the law to make hisdecisions public.”

“Cleary Minister Gigaba was acting to hide the truth that he hadpersonally granted the Guptas citizenship,” he said.

Hoosen said according to section 5(9)(b) of the South AfricanCitizenship Act 88 of 1995 5(9)(b) the Minister must “within 14 days after thecommencement of the sittings of Parliament in each year” table in Parliamentthe names of persons granted citizenship because of “exceptional circumstances”and must include the reasons for the early granting of citizenship.

He said Gigaba had failed to table the names of the Guptas, asconfirmed by the Director General, “and which the DA can confirm after scrutinisingthe tablings from that period.”

“By failing to table the Guptas’ citizenship in Parliament,Gigaba has breached the Executive Members Ethics Act which imposes on Ministersthe requirement “to meet all the obligations imposed on them by law,” he said.