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Business wants government to come clean on Lady R


Business Unity South Africa said President Cyril Ramaphosa should provide urgent clarity and certainty on allegations that arms may have been supplied to Russia, which is as at war with Ukraine.

On Thursday the calls grew louder after the US Ambassador to South Africa, Ruben Brigety, claimed that the Russian vessel, Lady R, which docked in Simonstaown in December, carried arms and ammunition destined for Russia.

Busa's Cas Coovadia said they were not satisfied with the response from President Cyril Ramaphosa who was quizzed about this during question time in Parliament on Thursday.

He said he noted that Ramaphosa said that a judicial commission of inquiry will be established to investigate the claims.

Coovadia said however that the government's response was unsatisfactory, as it introduces uncertainty that the country cannot afford.

"The immediate market reaction to the allegations made by the United States of America (USA) Ambassador to South Africa related to South Africa supplying arms to Russia was the dramatic fall of the rand against the dollar which indicates how seriously the markets consider these allegations," he said.

"BUSA believes that the government's response is unsatisfactory as it introduces uncertainty that we simply cannot afford," he added.

Coovadia said these allegations, if proven true, will have a significant negative impact on the economy, and will most likely jeopardize our trade relations, in particular our continued access to US markets created under the Africa Growth Opportunity Act "which we desperately need."

"We note the announcement by the Presidency that a judicial commission of inquiry will be appointed to investigate these allegations, but believe our country needs clear answers now, not in a few months," he said.

Meanwhile, the Presidency said the US Ambassador’s remarks undermine the spirit of cooperation and partnership that characterised the recent engagements between US Government officials and a South African official delegation led by National Security Special Advisor to the President, Dr Sydney Mufumadi.

"It is public knowledge that a Russian vessel known as Lady R docked in South Africa. Allegations have since been made about the purpose of the voyage. While no evidence has been provided to date to support these allegations, the Government has undertaken to institute an independent inquiry to be led by a retired judge," said Presidential spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya.

According to media reports on Friday, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation will formally reprimand the US Ambassador for not following the correct diplomatic channels in raising the complaint with the South African government.