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Busa wants policy certainty from Mangaung conference

Organised business says the ANC conference could ensure South Africa dodges a low economic growth trap if it makes the right policy decisions at its conference in Manuaung.

The conference, which kicks off next week, will vote for a new leadership but it will also set the policy agenda for the party and for the ANC-led government.

Business Unity South Africa says the three things business wants from Mangaung is "certainty, certainty and certainty" when it comes to policy, especially on issues like nationalisation and collective bargaining.

It says the ANC recognises that the country needs a significantly higher rate of economic growth than the current 3% to address poverty and unemployment which are also a source of increasing social tension and protest.

"But, factions in the party disagree on what the formula is that boost growth, there's also a temptation to go along with populist policy that makes big promises but achieved exactly the opposite."

Busa says the ANC needs to cut through this and make decisions that give investors the confidence they need to set up shop in South Africa.

(Image: Busa CEO, professor Raymond Parsons)