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Anti fraud and corruption hotline for Southern Cape

Taking a firm stance against corruption and fraud in the municipal environment, the Knysna Municipality Council recently approved a recommendation to enter into a partnership with the Eden District Municipality to establish an anti-fraud and corruption hotline.

Executive Mayor, Councillor Georlene Wolmarans says the establishment of the hotline gives the general public the opportunity to report their suspicions of fraud, theft and corruption anonymously. "They will be able to communicate openly and without fear of intimidation or victimisation as all cases will be treated confidentially," she said.

She said the hotline is externally accredited to the forensic audit and investigation firm, KPMG and will be called the KPMG ethics line. Calls to the hotline are free from any Telkom line. "It will be manned by KPMG personnel 24 hours a day, seven days a week and calls are fielded by experienced call centre agents versed in all 11 official languages. All reported information will immediately be captured onto a call sheet and transmitted directly to a designated person appointed by KPMG."

Wolmarans said that callers should provide as much information as possible for the effective investigation of allegations. "They will be provided with a reference number and will be able to track the progress. We have various measures in place already, including an email address to report suspicious activities, whistle-blower@knysna.gov.za. Adding this independently run hotline once again reiterates our zero tolerance stance in this regard."

The number for the hotline is 0800 21 47 64.