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ANC promises action on Limpopo textbook scandal

The ANC's national executive committee has acknowledged that the late delivery of textbooks in Limpopo was a "serious failure" by government.

ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe said the NEC considered the lack of delivery of books in Limpopo as shocking and unacceptable.

He told a media briefing after the NEC lekgotla that president Zuma has received a preliminary report and is still awaiting the final document.

Read the full statement below for the ANC NEC meeting below:

The National Executive Committee of the ANC held the annual lekgotla over three days, 27-29 July 2012. The lekgotla was preceded by one day normal NEC meeting held on 26 July 2012.

The NEC in the normal session made a brief assessment of the Policy Conference and expressed satisfaction that the Policy Conference was a resounding success both in terms of content and processes. This reassured the NEC that the success of the Policy Conference provided a solid foundation for the National conference to be successful and orderly. Whatever weaknesses observed will be tightened during the next four and half months leading to the National Conference. Following the presentation and approval of the roadmap to the National Conference in the last NEC meeting the NEC decided on the composition of Electoral Commission, mainly constituted of the veterans of our movement, approved the nomination processes framework for both the structures of the ANC and the leagues, a process starting from the branches and consolidated at provincial level overseen by the electoral commission. The NEC agreed that the January 08th rally 2013 be held in KwaZulu Natal.

The NEC lekgotla focused on the five priority area: -

1. The NEC reaffirmed that education is an apex priority that needs the focus of all South Africans. It was agreed that education requires the mobilisation of society to make positive contributions in ensuring that the South African Child, the black child in general and the African child in particular have access to quality education. The report on education showed that progress is being made in basic education, with improved matriculation and Annual National Assessment results since the last Lekgotla. The NEC recorded the slow progress made in the revitalisation of FET Colleges but heartened by the focus these Colleges are receiving. The opening of the first Teacher College in 2013 and three others in 2014 was welcomed. The work done on both Nursing and Agricultural College was also encouraged and more urgency had to be added. Sites for the two new universities have been identified in Kimberly and Nelspruit. Work towards operational stage in at the advanced stage.

2. On Science and Technology the progress registered was highly appreciated. Winning the bid to host the SKA was seen as a major advancement and an opportunity for scientific advancement. The work being done on the establishment of the state pharmaceutical company, Ketlaphela, a Joint Venture is at an advanced stage.

3. On Health a lot of progress was registered. The problem of skills mismatch is sorted in the health institutions at all levels. The Bill on Establishment of The Office of Health Standards Compliance is now in the NCOP. Audit on six core standards on quality standards has been completed; facility improvement teams established and inspector are being trained. Progress made towards the implementation of the NHI is systematic with the pilot sites being an indication of being cautious but determined. The stabilisation in the area of HIV endemic is encouraging.

4. The NEC dedicated some time on discussion of the Limpopo Book saga. The report from the Minister of Basic Education was received and considered. The NEC also considered the lack of delivery of books in Limpopo as shocking and unacceptable and believes that whomsoever is found to be responsible must face stern action that may include criminal charges. The NEC acknowledged that this is a serious failure on the part of government, the department of education in particular at both national and provincial level. It is a failure to honour the right of every child to education, as enshrined in the constitution. The NEC reaffirmed the correctness of decision of the cabinet to intervene in education in Limpopo. The fact that by December 2011 no books were ordered and no budget for purchasing book was the first sign that there was a crisis. The slow response to this crisis, including waiting for the next financial year bordered on being reckless. The NEC agreed on the following: -

1. A dedicated logistics team be established and be kept in place until the 2013 academic year.

2. The National Treasury was directed to work closely with department of Basic education, so that complaints about non-availability of resources are not used as an excuse. The NEC emphasised that throwing money at the problem be avoided.

3. The National Department must take full responsibility for purchasing and delivery of books even for the next academic year.

4. The verification of school that still have not received the books must continue

5. All the task teams that were set up to deal with the current book debacle must reconcile their reports and the Presidential task team must be the channel of reporting to the Presidency. Having received the preliminary report the Presidency has been asked to push for the final report. That final report should be the basis for any action to be taken, including action against any person found guilty of any misdemeanour.

On the economy the NEC welcomed and expressed support for the work of the National Planning Commission. The NEC agreed, that the National Development Plan thus far is on the right track towards taking the country forward. The NEC committed itself to continue engaging with National Development Plan and the commission is working hard to develop the national vision that the nation can converge around. The ANC pledged its support for this noble effort.

. The NEC directed the relevant state departments and ministries to ensure diversification of the structure of trade and pay greater focus on domestic and continental economic opportunities.

. Develop stronger link between social protection and job creation measures to address poverty in a more coherent way.

. Employment of youth in public programmes be priorities.

. The programmes to promote cooperatives, particularly with job creation potential, be expanded.

. The state must be bolder on building the capacity to undertake activities and services within the public sector.

. The state should procure directly from the manufacturers and minimise dependence on the middlemen.

. Reference pricing and better value for money must be investigated and implemented.

. Efforts to increase youth employment must be increased, develop a comprehensive youth employment accord, define the role of both the state and the private sector, and invest more on skills.

. The NEC agreed that the regulatory approval system be simplified, the list of is regarded as strategic minerals be finalised by the September NEC meeting, and set aside a portion of the strategic minerals for local beneficiation.

. Lower the mineral feedstock input costs be reduced with the state playing a critical role in this regard.

. The resource allocation formula for the infrastructure rollout be reviewed to reflect spatial dimension and infrastructure backlog.

. Both public/public partnership and public/private partnership are crucial for the successful implementation of the infrastructure plan.

. State construction capacity needs to be developed urgently for state to undertake some of the project and have the capacity to monitor and ensure quality assurance in those projects that are outsourced.

. Licensing of the Post Bank be accelerated and fast tracked.

. The NEC expressed full support for the establishment of the BRICS Bank, with the government encouraged to offer to host the Bank.

6. On current state of municipalities

. The Lekgotla insisted that basic service delivery of water, housing and sanitation is not negotiable and directed the government at all levels to make the necessary legislative changes required to deal with in particular, inequitable access to water as a scarce resource.

. The ANC expects every single one of its elected office bearers at local, provincial and national level to ensure that municipalities adhere to the PFMA and deliver without hesitation services to the people. The ANC will also engage with all local municipalities and deepen the political and technical skills of public representatives.

. Accountability of all ANC elected officials to the electorate and to the ANC itself is not negotiable. The ANC will not hesitate to take action against those who fail to perform.

. The ANC welcomed the report that the DPSA is working on a Public Administration Management Bill that is to be discussed with all stakeholders over the next six months and be finalised by June 2013. The ANC is committed to its vision for a single public service.

. The AG's Report will be given full attention at a Special Local Government workshop in August. However, the Lekgotla agreed with the AG's findings that poor performance of municipalities is due in large part to minimum competencies and skills for officials in key positions in municipalities. Lack of consequences for poor performance. Failure by political leadership (Mayor and Councillors) to take ownership of financial and audit issues. There is a synergy between the AG’s report and the ANC's internal evaluation.

. The ANC acknowledges that many of the problems at local government level have to do with political tensions within the ANC and the Alliance; the ANC is intervening decisively to ensure that no single member of the organisation uses a public office as a tool to lobby for power and as a consequence fails to deliver. The NEC of the ANC will hold a one day meeting to discuss its own findings on the state of local government as well as the AG's report.

. The Lekgotla emphasised that one African language should be compulsory in schools depending on the region. In relation to human rights the ANC will initiate dialogues on racism, ethnicity and patriarchy to promote social cohesion, this will include measures to reduce xenophobia and to protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation. The lekgotla resolved that the declaration of the social cohesion summit be implemented.

. On sports and recreation amongst other decision, school sports must become compulsory and that physical education must be a stand-alone subject. It was also resolved that job-seekers grant be included as part of the comprehensive social security package as agreed to at the policy conference. This will be discussed further at the national conference.

• On human settlement, the current mode of housing delivery was deemed to be unsustainable, the lekgotla suggested that we need to increasingly assume the approach adopted in the people housing process and the use of cooperatives as opposed to tenders.

7. On Peace and stability

. Lekgotla focused on issues of fraud and corruption both within the public and the private sector. It further observed the challenged posed by corruption is serious and that the fight against corruption is integral to the realisation of our national priorities. The ANC must develop a holistic and robust approach in dealing with the reality and perceptions of corruption. The ANC supports the work of the various anti-corruption task teams that have been established in many different departments and agencies

. On Correctional Service, the Lekgotla discuss overcrowding of prison and recommended that overcrowding be reduced by the use of community service and correctional supervision in relation to minor crimes and offences

. On defence the Lekgotla discussed the security of our borders and recommeded that SANDF prioritise border security and that home affairs officials be deployed in alll South African borders posts whether high or low priorities.

. On military veterans the Lekgotla recommended that steps be taken to ensure that the department of military veterans is adequately resourced to be able to service the military veterans

. The Lekgotla welcomed progress made in the regulation of the private security industry and recommended that national key points and security department be secured by the SAPS

. An Integrity Commission is to be established within the ANC at the national level, this Commission will be key in determining the suitability of ANC members for public office. The Lekgotla expressed a determination for the ANC to be on the front line of war against corruption and crime.

8. On Communications

. the ANC welcomed progress made by the department of communication on all processes relevant to the migration of broad band from analogue to digital

9. On International Relations

. the Lekgotla congratulated Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma on her election as the Chairperson of the AU Commission

. The Lekgotla resolved to continue strengthening the links with progressive parties the world over.

. The Lekgotla expressed its support for the PLO to lead the liberation of the peole of Palestine

. We pledge solidarity with all who seek to see the lifting of the unjust economic blockade and the release of the Cuban five

. We continue to support the people of Western Sahara led by the Polisario Front in their plight for self determination.

On North Africa, the ANC has been monitoring the development in North Africa and encourages a strategic approach both to relations with South Africa and the overall plan to bring peace, security and stability in the continent

. the ANC is hosting the Socialist International from 29th August to 1st September 2012

. The Lekgotla reconfirmed our call for the transformation of the United Nations and all Global Financial Institutions.