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ANC MP docked five months salary for breaching code of ethics


ANC MP and former government Minister, Mosebenzi Zwane has been found guilty of contravening Parliament’s code of ethical conduct and disclosure of members’ interests.

The National Assembly approved the report of the Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests on the alleged contraventions by Zwane during its plenary sitting on Tuesday.

Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa Nqakula said the Committee recommended several penalties against Zwane, specifically that he be fined the amount equivalent to five months' salary for the breach.

Mapisa Nqakula said the Committee found that Zwane received benefits and hospitality that were not disclosed in respect of the travel from Zurich to Dubai on 2 December 2015, which was paid for by the Guptas.

She said it was also recommended that Zwane issue an apology in the House for the abuse of his role on the Inter-Ministerial Committee for issuing a media statement on the matter of the bank accounts of the Guptas while he was a Member of the Inter-Ministerial Committee, which was retracted by Cabinet the next day.

“Additionally, he should apologize for appointing advisors who were business partners to the Guptas, namely, Kuben Moodley and Malcolm Mabaso,” she said.

Zwane has also been suspended from his seat in parliamentary debates for one parliamentary term for his participation in the negotiations of the sale of the Optimum Coal Mine to Tegeta and approved the sale.