ACSA says passenger traffic at most airports increased
01 Feb 2016 | Admin Author
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The Airports Company South Africa says there was an impressive increase in passenger traffic at most airports country-wide between November last year and January this year.
Acsa spokesperson, Solomon Makgale, says despite tough market conditions, the three months showed that 9.2 million passengers passed through the country's airports, a growth of 2.8 percent.
He told Algoa FM News that while George airport showed an increase, the same could not be said for Port Elizabeth and East London.
" We saw a decline at Port Elizabeth of about 1.3% doing about 330,000 passengers over that 3 month period. East London also declined by about 1.7 % realising about 166,000 passengers over that period. George grew by 9.2% to 148,000 over the 3 month period "Makgale said.