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SA set to go 100% smoke-free

All buildings indoors and some outdoor areas in South Africa will become 100% smoke-free if draft regulations published by the Minister of Health become law.

“100% smoke-free” is an area where smoking is completely prohibited. In terms of national law, this generally means smoking is prohibited inside all public buildings, and is restrcited in certain outdoor areas where people are likely to gather.
Ireland was the first country to go 100% smoke-free, including in bars and restaurants. The United Kingdom, France, New Zealand and Uruguay then followed suit.
In a statement regarding South Africa's smoke-free plans issued by the National Council Against Smoking (NCAS), Executive Director Yusuf Saloojee says that,
“The regulations follow years of calls from the public for smoke-free public places, and relentless efforts by tobacco companies and some businesses to maintain indoor smoking.
The right to breathe is now set to trump the right to pollute the air.”
What the draft regulations say
According to the draft regulations:

- Smoking indoors in public buildings will be completely prohibited.

- Smoking will also be prohibited in:

Stadiums, arenas, Schools and child care facilities

Health facilities

Outdoor eating or drinking areas

Places where outdoor events take place
Covered walkways and covered parking areas
Outdoor service areas and queues
Beaches within 50 meters of a demarcated swimming area.
- It does not allow smoking within 5 to10 meters of entrances, doorways, windows and ventilation inlets.
- It allows demarcated smoking areas only outdoors under specific conditions.
- It places obligations on any person in control of a public place, and on employers to protect staff.

Are these steps really necessary?

We now know that secondhand, or “environmental” smoke is a significant health hazard, and exposure to it raises risk for most diseases associated with smoking itself.

Secondhand smoke is harmful both indoors and outdoors. It is especially problematic in poorly ventilated indoor areas, but the levels of secondhand smoke in some outdoor areas can be as high as or higher than in some indoor areas.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that there is no safe level of tobacco smoke, and the only way to completely protect people from exposure is to introduce 100% smoke-free laws.

South Africa's current regulations reduce the public's exposure to tobacco smoke, but don't completely eliminate it.
Studies have shown that smoke-free laws mprove air quality, decrease air pollution, and improve health. In Scotland there was an 83% reduction in fine particles of “tar” in the air in pubs, and a decrease in wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath in bar workers within two months of smoke-free law taking effect.

Lend your support to the draft regulations

The Government has invited public comment on the regulations by 29 June 2012. The draft regulations were published on 30 March this year,
If you'd like to help ensure that the draft regulations are not diluted or delayed on the way to becoming law, the NCAS urges sending a letter or e-mail of support to the Health Ministry:
“Let them know you are looking forward to working, shopping, eating al fresco, attending sports fixtures, taking children to playgrounds, or standing in a queue without being forced to breathe secondhand smoke.”
Contact address: The Director-General: Health, Attention: Director Health Promotion, Private Bag X828, Pretoria, 0001.
Email: WinklR@health.gov.za and bcc quit@iafrica.com

Source: Health24.co.za