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Hilary Checks In To Swanky Guest House

It's not often that a celeb visits our part of the world - so when someone important does, we like to make a little fuss out of it.

Hillary Swank checked in to a 4 star guest house in Graaff Reinet last night (Tuesday), in fact it was the same guest house Wayne Hart stayed at this past weekend. She wasn't alone, however, Swank brought along her two pets, Kai and RooMe, as well as the ashes of her late Karoo born hound, "Karoo". Swank rescued "Karoo" from a local animal shelter whilst she was in the Karoo filming "Red Dust"

Gordon Wright, the chef and owner of Andries Stockenstrom Guest House, treated all three of his guests to fine dining last night, and packed a doggy bag for the two dogs for their long trip back to Hollywood. Swank, also took a loaf of home-made bread from the restaurant, back with her.

Thanks for coming!