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Australia Government Wants Unglamorous Cigarette Boxes

International cigarette companies are busy scrambling after an Australian court has held that it’s perfectly legal to strip cigarette packs of all their branding. Instead, cigarette boxes will come in a uniform olive drab box, covered in health warnings and only stating the brand and variant of cigarette in a standardised font.

The decision by Australia’s highest court means that from December, absolutely no branding will be appearing on cigarette boxes. The aim is to make cigarette smoking as unglamourous as possible, and will trade the brand’s logo for graphic images of cancer riddled mouths, sick children, and images depicting blindness. ”No longer when a smoker pulls out a packet of cigarettes will that packet be a mobile billboard,” said the Australian Health Minister and Attorney General in a joint statement.

Images obtained by Reuters show the proposed changes to cigarette packs

Source: MSNBC